改革開放是中國共產黨歷史上的一次覺醒,是決定當代中國命運的關鍵舉措,也是決定實現“兩個一百年”奮斗目標、實現中華民族偉大復興的關鍵舉措。改革開放永無止境,只有進行時,沒有完成時。 1978年12月,中國共產黨召開了具有重大歷史意義的十一屆三中全會,開啟了對內改革、對外開放的歷史新時期。其目的就是要解放和發展生產力,實現國家現代化,讓中國人民富裕起來。中國改革開放最主要的成果是開創和發展了中國特色社會主義,中國的面貌、中國與世界的關系都發生了深刻的變化。中國實現了從高度集中的計劃經濟體制到充滿活力的社會主義市場經濟體制、從封閉半封閉到全方位開放的偉大歷史轉折。中國經濟持續30年保持10%以上的增長速度,經濟總量已經位居世界第二。中國解決了13億人的溫飽問題,為世界貧困人口減少的貢獻超過70%。截止到2015年,中國城鎮居民人均可支配收入由343元增長到31195多元;農民人均純收入由133元增長到11422元,人民生活總體上達到小康水平。中國主動適應并積極參與世界格局變革調整進程,以負責任大國形象展現在世人面前。2015年,根據國際貨幣基金組織公布的數據,中國經濟對全球經濟增長的貢獻率超過25%。中國依靠自己的力量實現了經濟社會轉型,沒有發生對外戰爭、海外殖民和大規模的社會動蕩,政治體制保持穩定,法治化程度不斷提升,社會生活的自由度不斷擴大,民眾對政府的信任度接近90%。
Reform and Opening Up
The process of reform and opening up was propelled by a new awakening of the CPC. It has been key to making China what it is today, and will be essential to realizing the Two Centennial Goals and national renewal. It is an on-going process with no end point. The process that ushered in a new historical period was initiated in 1978 when the 11th CPC Central Committee held its third plenary session. Aimed at dismantling the economic straitjacket and unlocking the growth potential, the reform program put China on the path to modernization and prosperity. In addition to the emergence and development of the concept of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the achievements of China's reform and opening up are most convincingly demonstrated by the profound changes it has brought to China and to its relations with the rest of the world. China has made the historic shift from a centrally planned economy to a dynamic socialist market economy and from a closed or semi-closed society to an open one. With an annual growth rate of more than 10 percent for 30 years running, China has become the second largest economy in the world. The challenge to provide its 1.3 billion people with adequate food and everyday essentials has been successfully addressed, contributing to a 70 percent reduction in the number of people living in poverty worldwide. With the per capita disposable income of China's urban residents increasing from RMB 343 to over RMB 31,195, and the per capita net income of its farmers rising from RMB 133 to more than RMB 11,422, the goal of building a moderately well-off society has been largely achieved. China is also adapting to an evolving world landscape, and actively participates in global affairs as a responsible member of the international community. It now accounts for nearly 25 percent of world economic growth. It has brought about economic and social transformation without getting involved in wars on foreign lands, pursuing overseas colonization, or causing widespread social unrest. It has enjoyed political stability, strengthened rule of law, and expanded individual freedom. The public's trust in government is near 90 percent.